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Shure FP5 Portable FP Wireless Receiver


Shure FP5 Portable FP Wireless Receiver



Item number / Code:

147531 / SHURE-FP5

Current availability:0 pcs.
Note! The price of this product may have changed. Please contact our team to receive more information on the availability and price of this item.
Ask a Product Expert:
Marcin Zdziabek, tel. +48 717974679,
email: [email protected]
Shure FP5 Portable FP Wireless Receiver

Shure FP5 Portable FP Wireless Receiver

Lightweight and durable for on-camera mounting. Designed for on-camera mounting, the FP5 Portable Receiver locates an open frequency at the touch of a button and instantly syncs the transmitter to the receiver frequency.

The battery-powered FP5 is lightweight and durable, featuring diversity antennas and output to either XLR or 1/8" connectors.
For use with FP Wireless and SLX Wireless.

FP Wireless Systems feature patented Audio Reference Companding for crystal-clear sound beyond the limits of conventional wireless technology.

• Power LED with low battery indicator
• RF LED that indicates transmitter sync when illuminated
• Receiver output level control that manages output to camera/mixer
• Diversity antennas for consistent reception of signal transmission
• TA3F cable output to either XLR or 1/8" connectors included
• Camera shoe mount included
• Rugged and lightweight Shure construction
• Output Level (Ref. ±38 kHz deviation with 1 kHz tone), –5 dBV (into 600 Ω load)
• Sensitivity –108 dBm for 12 dB SINAD, typical
• Battery Life Up to 12 hours (alkaline)

Product reviews Shure FP5 Portable FP Wireless Receiver

Price incl. VAT
179 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR