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Wristies WPS1 Performance Gloves


Wristies WPS1 Performance Gloves



Item number / Code:

148802 / WRISTIES-WPS-1

Current availability:0 set
Note! The price of this product may have changed. Please contact our team to receive more information on the availability and price of this item.
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Adam Kaczarewski, tel. +48 717974679,
email: [email protected]
Wristies WPS1 Performance Gloves

Wristies WPS1 Performance Gloves

Every musician, drummer also should take care of his hands. It is much easier with Wristies WPS1 Performance Gloves.
They keep hands and fingers warm for outdoor/cold environment playing. Improve circulation to avoid and help protect injuries, Provide total dexterity through its 360 degree "free finger" design. Also WPS 1 Performance Gloves Remove moisture from the hands through "moisture wicking".
Performance Wristies® were designed to keep hands and fingers warm by heating the lower arm, wrist, and lower hand. Heating these areas provides warmer blood to run through the players fingers thus keeping the hand and fingers at a more safe, pleasant, and dexterous temperature.

Colour: Black

Product reviews Wristies WPS1 Performance Gloves

Price incl. VAT
22 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail15 EUR