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Aquila Alabastro classical guitar strings, normal tension


Aquila Alabastro classical guitar strings, normal tension



Item number / Code:

172702 / AQU-C-AS-21C-BASSES

Current availability:1 set updated on: 2024-06-26 13:10:19
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Aquila Alabastro classical guitar strings, normal tension

Aquila Alabastro

Until mid-20th century, the three treble strings of the guitar were almost exclusively made with gut, a material that had been used for a thousand years and that combines good promptness of attack and excellent acoustic performances, substantially different, therefore, from that of normal Nylon.

The timbre of gut has always been a constant point of reference for violin makers, composers and performers until the recent past. The development of a new synthetic product – both as a monofilament and a multifilament for the basses – that had the same acoustic characteristics as gut – but not its typical defects, such as high cost, low durability and high instability to climate changes – has always been a fundamental point of research work.

The Nylgut finally represents the point of arrival, allowing the rediscovery of the sounds that were familiar to the great masters of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as well as presenting an excellent intonation stability, higher than that of the best Nylon strings.

The Alabastro sets are in three degrees of tension (Light, Normal, Superior); the first three strings are made of a monofilament of ‘synthetic gut’, called Nylgut, perfectly round and smooth, that allows readiness to attack, acoustic projection, and timbric qualities that remind those of gut. In addition, Nylgut presents a definitely extraordinary stability of intonation. These properties, therefore, allow an optimal ‘sound connection’ with the wound bass strings, that are made up of a multifilament core of Nylgut and a silver-plated copper winding. These basses are characterized by high tensile strength and great stability to climate change, allowing a fast and stable intonation, excellent acoustic performance and a long life of the strings.


• Aquila Strings
• Made in Italy
• Nylgut has elevated resistance to wear under tension
• Alabastro, Normal
• Chitarra Classica
• Medium Gauge
• Silver Plated Copper
• Nylgut Floss Core

Product reviews Aquila Alabastro classical guitar strings, normal tension

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