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Monacor ATT-224/WS volume regulator


Monacor ATT-224/WS volume regulator



Item number / Code:

146160 / MONAC-ATT-224/WS

Current availability:0 pcs.
Note! The price of this product may have changed. Please contact our team to receive more information on the availability and price of this item.
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Marcin Zdziabek, tel. +48 717974679,
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Monacor ATT-224/WS volume regulator

Monacor ATT-224/WS

Monacor ATT-224/WS is a Wall-Mounted PA Volume Control, attenuation in 10 steps, position 0 is OFF. Audio transformer for 100 V line technique. White plastic front panel and knob. Flush mounting, surface mounting with matching housing ATT-200, available at option.


• Frequency range: 50-18,000Hz
• Power rating: 24W Rms
• Dimensions: 85x85x66mm
• Mounting depth: 38mm
• Weight: 160g
• Surface-mount housing: ATT-200

Product reviews Monacor ATT-224/WS volume regulator

Price incl. VAT
25 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail15 EUR