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Ortega SMCPADCV classical guitar capo


Ortega SMCPADCV classical guitar capo



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Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +48 717974679,
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Ortega SMCPADCV classical guitar capo


The starting point for Ortega modern company was the crafting of guitars along classical Spanish lines. Today they have taken traditional guitar-making to new levels, developing instruments that are tailored listening to customers’ requirements. And in doing so Ortega use all of their senses – listening to them, fingering them, gauging their shape and colour. The results can be found in every single instrument they make.

Made of aluminum alloy the new "SPIDER MONKEY" Capos allow micro adustment for exact tension. Together with a perfect silicone cushion the need to retune the instrument is be drastically reduced.

• Designed for flat (up to 52mm width at nut) fretboards
• Perfect for 12-string

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Price incl. VAT
12.3 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail15 EUR