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DR LMR5-45 HI-BEAM Set .045-.125


DR LMR5-45 HI-BEAM Set .045-.125



Item number / Code:

173404 / DR-B-HIBE-LMR5-45

Current availability:0 set
Note! The price of this product may have changed. Please contact our team to receive more information on the availability and price of this item.
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Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +48 717974679,
email: [email protected]
DR LMR5-45 HI-BEAM Set .045-.125

DR HI-BEAMS stainless steel electric bass strings wound on round core that is unique to the industry. Hi-Beams require much more time, care and extra steps to be made than the other bass strings and that extra effort has a result a bass string that is musically, high flexible but not harshly bright. They have durability, unusually long life and they don't "eat" your frets!

- electric bass strings
- 5-string set
- medium
- .045", .065", .085", .105", .125"
- stainless steel
- extra long scale
- roundwound
- round core
- handmade in U.S.A.

Product reviews DR LMR5-45 HI-BEAM Set .045-.125

Price incl. VAT
46.7 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail15 EUR