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Latin Percussion Shaker Twist Soft


Latin Percussion Shaker Twist Soft


Latin Percussion

Item number / Code:

211379 / LP-LP862505

Current availability:0 pcs.
Note! The price of this product may have changed. Please contact our team to receive more information on the availability and price of this item.
Ask a Product Expert:
Adam Kaczarewski, tel. +48 717974679,
email: [email protected]
Latin Percussion Shaker Twist Soft

Latin Percussion Shaker Twist

LP Twist Shaker extensions have the same interlocking system as the original Twist Shaker, allowing you to connect multiple shakers together for the exact amount of volume and attack you are looking for. Available in soft, medium and loud versions.


• Use with LP Twist Shakers
• Red shaker has the loudest and most coarse sound, great for live performances
• Soft

Product reviews Latin Percussion Shaker Twist Soft

Price incl. VAT
19 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail15 EUR